

The most beautiful vision of life is to have a family sitting together and enjoy the light. When the lights are on, the reinforced concrete house becomes a home. With the lights, we can unload our fatigue, enjoy the family happiness with our family, and talk about our ideal life with friends. A home under the lights is warm and cozy, and it is the harbor of our soul.

Such warm lighting is inseparable from the delicate control of the intelligent dimming power supply, which accurately captures different dimming needs and creates a comfortable and cozy lighting atmosphere.

Suretron/SCPOWER intelligent dimming driver is a leader in this field, bringing comfortable lighting experience to countless families with its superior performance such as precise dimming, high efficiency and stability, and no flicker.

Light and space atmosphere
0.1%-100% step-free dimming is the killer feature of Suretron/SCPOWER's intelligent dimming driver. The fine lighting control performance makes the dimming process smooth and delicate without any sense of steps, easily meeting the lighting needs in different areas and scenes.

During dinner, dim the lights to create a romantic atmosphere. When watching a movie, leave only soft background light to enhance the viewing experience. When having a party with friends, create colorful lighting effects to add to the joyful atmosphere. Before going to bed, gradually reduce the brightness of the light. The soft light helps to relax and help you fall asleep quickly.

Light and emotional balance
Color temperature affects people's mood, sleep and work efficiency. People can flexibly adjust the color temperature through Suretron/SCPOWER intelligent dimming power supply according to their mood or activity needs, and enjoy the warmth and tranquility of home after being busy and tired.

From warm light to neutral light to cold white light, Suretron/SCPOWER intelligent dimming power supply provides a variety of light color options to create a more vivid expression for home lighting. For example, cold light can often stimulate people's concentration and improve efficiency, which is suitable for study and work places such as study rooms, while warm light will give people a warm and comfortable feeling, relax people physically and mentally, and is very suitable for being introduced into bedroom space.

Light and visual health
The significance of intelligent dimming is not only to create an atmosphere, but also to care for health. Because the comfort of lighting is directly related to the vision health of the family, especially for families with children, the vision health of children is the top priority.

圣昌智能调光电源实现了全系列无频闪,包括DALI-2、D4i、可控硅、0-10V 1-10V、DMX512、蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi等主推产品,产品功率覆盖10W-1800W,让家人无论是阅读、工作还是休闲时光,都能享受到舒适无频闪的光线。
Suretron/SCPOWER's intelligent dimming driver achieves flicker-free in the entire series, including DALI-2, D4i, thyristor, 0-10V 1-10V, DMX512, Bluetooth/ZigBee/Wi-Fi and other main products. The product power covers 10W-1800W, allowing your family to enjoy comfortable flicker-free light whether they are reading, working or relaxing.

Light and energy saving and low carbon
The high-efficiency, high-power-factor Suretron/SCPOWER smart dimming power supply has shown significant advantages in energy saving and consumption reduction. By improving power utilization, grid transmission efficiency and power quality, it has reduced unnecessary waste of power and deeply practiced Energy-saving and low-carbon development concept.

Suretron/SCPOWER intelligent dimming driver is used with light sensor and intelligent lighting system to sense light intensity in real time. Users can maximize the use of natural light and reduce energy consumption according to the changes in ambient light and personal needs. In the early morning or evening when natural light is weak, increase the brightness of indoor lights; when there is plenty of sunlight at noon, lower the brightness of lights or even completely turn off some lamps to achieve on-demand lighting and reduce energy waste.

Suretron/SCPOWER's intelligent dimming driver uses light as a pen to intelligently adjust the brightness and color temperature of the light, customize personalized lighting scenes, provide soft light for family communication, optimize the comfort and convenience of home lighting, and draw a warmer home.


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DALI-2 | 可控硅 | 0/1-10V DMX512 | 无线(蓝牙/ZigBee/Wi-Fi)户外大功率 CASAMBI
2024广州光亚展  | 2024法兰克福照明展  2024香港春灯展 2023云知光论坛2023光亚展 2023广州设计周X云知光 2022光亚展 | 2022法兰克福照明展 


商业案例    北京雁栖湖APEC/G20别墅项目 | 科兴集团总部办公楼 | 武汉泛悦城 | 上海国际会议中心 | 深圳湾公馆2号 | 长沙开福万达广场 | 珠海城市客厅 | 北京中关村国际创新中心
酒店案例  上海外滩W酒店 | 新加坡金沙酒店 | 新加坡安国酒店 | 约旦四季酒店 | 三亚海棠湾仁恒皇冠假酒店 | 福建南平雅阁酒店 | 洛阳伏牛山居温泉度假酒店 | 顺德美的万豪酒店

文娱案例  以色列博物馆 | 香山文化艺术中心



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